
By Mayank Raghuvanshi

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Graph-Theory Algorithms

A Graph is a non-linear data structure consisting of nodes and edges. The nodes are sometimes also referred to as vertices and the edges are lines or arcs that connect any two nodes in the graph. More formally a Graph can be defined as,
A Graph consists of a finite set of vertices(or nodes) and set of Edges which connect a pair of nodes.

Language : Java
References : GeeksForGeeks, Introduction to Programing CLRS

List of Algorithms


Bredth First Search (BFS)

let s<-Source node.
let G<-Graph
let Q<-queue
Q.enqueue s.
mark s as visited.
while Q is no empty
    let currentVertex<-Q.dequeue.
    for all neighbourVertex of currentVertex
    if neighbourVertex is not visited
        Q.enqueue neighbourVertex
        mark neighbourVertex as visited
    end of for loop.
end of while loop.

Bredth First Search using Coloring Method.

BFS(s, G)
    s <- source vertex
    G <- Graph
    let Q <- queue
    let color[] <- 1 WHITE
    Q.enqueue s
    color of s <- 2 GREY
    while Q is not Empty
        let currentVertex = Q.dequeue.
        color of currentVertex <- BLACK
        for all neighbour of currentVertex
            if color of neighbour is WHITE
                set color of neighbour <- GREY
                Q.enqueue neighbour
        end of for
    end of while

Depth First Search (DFS)

DFS(s , G)
    s <- source vertex
    G <- Graph
    let S <- stack
    S.push s
    set s as visited.
    while S is not Empty
        let currentVertex <- S.pop()
        for all neighbour of currentVertex
            if neighbour is not visited
                set neighbour to visited
        end of for
    end of while    

Connected Components

DFS(s , G , visited)
    s <- source vertex
    G <- Graph
    visited <- boolean array
    let S <- Stack
    set visited of s <- true
    while S is not empty
        let currentVertex <- S.pop()
        for all neighbour of currentVertex
            if neighbour is not visited
                set visited of neighbour <- true
        end of for
    end of while

    s <- source vertex
    G <- Graph
    let visited[] <- false (initially none vertex is visited.)
    let count <- 0
    for all vertex of G
        if vetex is not visited
            DFS(vertex ,G , visited)
            incremrnt count
    end of for
    return count.

Hamiltonian Path

    src <- source vertex
    graph <- Graph
    visited <- boolean Array
    count <- count of edges covered so far
    res <- String containing coverted vertex to print
    append src to res
    set src to visited
    if count is equal to |V-1| then print res and return 1
    set visited(src) <- true
        for all neighbour of graph(src)
            if neighbour is not visited
                set neighbour to visited
                count += hamiltonianPath(neighbour,graph,visited,count+1,res)
        end of for
    return count


[global variables]
WHITE = -1
RED = 0
isBipartite(s , G , colorMap)
    s <- source vertex
    G <- Graph
    colorMap <- array contains color of each vertex
    let Q <- Queue
    use BFS put alternate color on earch level (RED/GREEN)
    if a visited vertex comes again and have color which is not matching to the current level color
        return false
    let level <- 0
    colorMap of s to GREEN
    while Q is not Empty
        let size <- size of Queue
        while(size is greater then 0)
            let currentVertex Q.dequeue()
            for all neighbour of currentVertex
                if neighbour color is WHITE
                    change color to level%2
                else if neighbour color is not WHITE and it is not equal to level%2
                    return false;
            end of for
            increment level
        end of while
    end of while
return true

    let colorMap = array of color initially all color as WHITE
    for all vertex of G
        if color of vertex is WHITE
            if isBipartite(vertex , G , colorMap) is false then return false
    end of for
return true